
《英雄聯盟》世界賽進入到八強賽階段,而第一場比賽就讓觀眾看得心驚膽戰。來自LCK的宇宙艦隊KT和IG大戰了五盤,KT在第三局處於絕對落後下靠兩下普攻之差搶下IG的賽末點將戰線繼續延長,然而KT最終還是KT了,IG的下路 JackeyLove 的剎雅在第五盤拿下七顆頭把KT殺得潰不成軍,因此也獲得了許多Reddit網友的好評:文字回應:-2 auto-attacks from a 3-0 series. -KT almost does the reverse sweep. -JackeyLove goes in and deletes the hopes and dreams of KT once their fans start to believe. -IG finally win a game 5. -差兩個普攻就直落三了 -KT差點達成讓二追三成就 -當KT粉開始相信KT的時候,JackeyLove 跳出來毀滅了他們的希望 -IG終於贏下第五局了-Deft, Mata, Score, and Smeb join Faker at SKT in 2019 -Deft、Mata、Score 和 Smeb 明年要加入SKT跟Faker組團大的The KT rollercoaster. KT牌雲霄飛車Sad for KT but I have to say, one of the best rollercoaster ride of my life! 雖然很對不起KT,但我真的認為這是我一生搭過最好玩的雲霄飛車。One of the most fun series I've watched. Insanity 這真的是我那麼久以來看過最有趣的BO5。真的狂The balls of IG staff to give TheShy a break and lose with Duke, to reset his mental for game 5. 只有IG的教練團才會那麼有種給 TheShy 先休息一場換 Duke 上去輸,讓 TheShy 一點時間去調整自己的心態。A moment of silence for my pickems 我的神預測一片靜寂…Where were you when Africa Freecs is Korea's last hope 當AFs成為韓國最後希望的時候,你們在哪裡?Where were u when the real competition is The west vs China 當比賽變成中西對抗賽的時候,你們在那裡?Korea's last hope versus NA's last hope. Which region will be the most disappointed? Probably LMS... 韓國最後希望對抗北美最後希望。到底哪區會讓人失望? 應該是LMS…I guess kt fans got excited. 我猜應該是KT粉又興奮起來了who the fuck got excited 媽的到底誰又興奮了?REDDIT'S PLAN TO GET EXCITED FOR KT WORKED OUT! GJ BOYS! Reddit鄉民都計劃好要奶死KT,然後真的奶死了!兄弟讚啦!-Tournament favorites -Superteam narrative -Make knockout rounds -Everyone thinks finals loss would be greatest disappointment -KTdisappointing.exe activated -成為比賽大熱門 -被大家稱為超級強隊 -進入淘汰賽階段 -大家都覺得KT功敗垂成打到決賽拿亞軍會變成最大的失望 -KTdisappointing.exe 啟動了That flash by JackeyLove in midlane was insane, straight up won them that fight and then the game JackeyLove 在中路的那個閃現真的很令人驚艷,讓隊伍贏下團戰而獲勝One of the best series in worlds history 這真的是世界賽史上最棒的系列賽That game 3 was one of the most insane games of LoL I’ve ever seen 第三局真的是我看那麼久以來最刺激的比賽。Somewhere right now wildturtle is grinning at those jackeylove flash plays 野龜在某個平行時空也是做著像 JackeyLove 那樣的閃現playKt Smeb - “I am saving my carry potential for next years worlds” Kt Smeb :「我的Carry能力就留到下次的世界賽吧!」 (這是在酸大師兄S7省閃現省到輸)That was the most KT thing ever: Win the most clutch game and almost reverse sweep, only to disappoint in the final game. 這場真的超級KT:在一場非常接近的場次中嬴下來接著差點讓二追三,然後最後一場再讓人失望。Afreeca Freecs to KR : "You (bleeping) need me. You can't win without me." AFs跟韓國粉絲說:「你們(消音)需要我。你們沒我們的話就贏不了了。」Most KT series ever. 史上最KT的系列賽Lose 2 games so fans lose hope, win 2 so fans gain hope. 先輸個兩場讓粉絲失去希望,接著再贏兩場給粉絲希望。Fnatic is the best team in the world confirmed. 看來可以確定FNC是世界上最強的隊伍了。They shit stomped IG 2 games in a row, pretty much. 真的,那天FNC連續兩場都屌打IG。This year's Dade award goes to LCK as a whole. 今年的 Dade 獎應該可以直接頒給LCK。Can't say that until C9 boomed the one team from Africa. 先別急,等看C9能不能贏非洲隊。Remember that JackeyLove is only 17 years old. And he destroyed this KT superteam in game 5. 別忘了 JackeyLove 只有17歲。然後他第五局把KT這支超級強隊毀了。The fact that we might have koreanless semi-finals is actually baffling 看起來今年的四強很有可能沒有韓國隊了推特回應:十年KT粉 Monte 推特我已經沒在相信KT了,然後他們在我生日的時候繼續「正常發揮」。圖片回應:JackeyLove 變 JackieChan(成龍)了:今天的G5:LPL等很久:理想:現實:更多上報內容:【2018世界賽】淘汰賽Day1:小狗倒了!G2挾歐洲逆襲之力擊敗RNG【2018世界賽】淘汰賽Day1:宇宙艦隊讓二追三夢碎 IG剎雅奪命輸出拿下賽末點【2018世界賽】小組賽數據統計:空月奪最高擊殺貢獻、Koala登最高死亡次數

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